How are you? Dear my brother, people of God!
I’m the president of All Nations Seminary for Doctor of the Bible and the Faith(전민족 성경신앙 박사 교육원), pastor Hankook Chang. I would like to express my heartiest gratitude for your application of SDBF, also please accept my sincere congratulations on my new family member in SDBF. The name of SDBF pregnant with apocalyptic events of revelation (which was established according to basis on Isaiah 2:2~3) will be fully concluded in the chief of education to be an extremely excellent doctor in side of the Bible and the Faith to all nation’s Christians. I, ten professors and faculty can make a promise to do our best for you. Now, I send you prospectus of SDBF to understand it clearly and to make you recommand others. You don’t need to have an anxiety for studying class. Do you remember Jesus Christ’s word in Matt 7:20, “wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them”, that is to say, you can know the future of you and SDBF through the fruits of pastor Chang’s faith’s lifetime manifested by my profile.
May God bless you! Now, you know why you do what you do.
I am looking forward to you again on an internet.
2022. 12. 09
Sincerely yours
President of S.D.B.F
Pastor Han Kook Chang
Let us see briefly what God has done to Pastor Hankook Chang as follows.
I was a Christian who had one daughter and one son with my wife Insook Park, a cradle Christian, and professionally a financial expert as a certified public accountant, and a top fund manager in an investment trust company, a government investment institution which managed about 5 trillion won, which had an enviable reputation in the 80 s.
I believed in Jesus, but I wasn't a spiritual perfect Christian. It was 7 years later that a great accident happened to me in the prayer garden on Hanul Mountain in July 1980. As if Saul changed to Paul after meeting the Lord, while in a prayer session. I spiritually met Jesus Christ and also experienced to be newly changed to the new self and Christian that the old self called Hankook Chang had dead. The Lord came to me with the word. I was filled with the Holy Spirit, and I began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave me utterance and pray for repentance over 4 hours, which was the spiritually greatest turning point in my life. Since then, only the Holy Spirit in me has opened the Bible and made me see not only the spiritual world, but also the world of life more profoundly. God has made me believed that the Lord of the second coming which is the work of the Alpha and Omega from the origin of salvation is my bridegroom and the king of kings, and entirely realized the work to be before His second coming and the words of prophecy in the Bible. God has ended up making me have the prophetic vision.
At last I transferred to Christianity theological college as an enrolled student which has a bachelor’s degree (the former Baekseok University, found by Pastor Jonghyeon Chang ) for my third year, studied systematic theology by president Sunjik Choi, Old Testament study by professor Choi Uiwon. New Testament study by professor Yujong Kang, went through Master of Divinity seminary higher course in the college, and studied pastoral theology in US Southern Baptist Convention Luther Rice theological seminary ( in Jacksonville. Florida ). After ordained as a pastor in April 1986, I had planted Nanu Church in Masan, and planted Jusarang Church in Hwagok – dong, Seoul 3 years later up to the present. I have served the general assembly of Truth in Korean Presbyterian Church as its president and the dean of Hankibo cyber theological seminary.
Having applied myself to Chinese mission for about 20 years since 1990 while pastoring, I taught the Bible in depth to leaders and pastors in Han Chinese churches two or three times a year and did the best to raise them to be the complete servants of God. Especially, I have distributed more than my 200,000 books translated in Chinese (the Chinese translation of ' God of the living one', ' the Law and the Gospel', and the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation). As a result, huórén de shén (meaning God of the living one ) had been ranked No. 1 in zuihao de shû(meaning a best-seller) for decades that Christians in China read and love the most. In addition. I regularly taught the word and raised students in Han Chinese theological seminary(250 people in a unit, 4 units in total). While holding a gathering for leaders of churches in OOO city In 2007, I was arrested, detained, and tortured by Chinese officials and I was permanently expelled at last, resulting in compulsory stop in Chinese mission.
God made me do missionary work in the Philippines and Sri Lanka afterward instead of Chinese mission, and especially in the Philippines, hold a Bible conference twice a year on average in a total of 26 times. It was mostly for Senior pastors and I have written my books into English version and distributed them ; currently about 10,000 books throughout the Philippines (the books of 'Genesis', 'the Song of Songs', 'Daniel', 'Five Books of Moses', 'John', 'the Work of Making God's Jewel', 'Revelation Exposition' ).
Also, my personality in faith and view of faith which God has newly made have obviously come out in my testimony statement posted on page 62 of the book of Hankibo 40 years of history in addition to my sermon and books, as well as my presentation in Hankibo theology seminar (held by president Honggyo Han) and its booklet. Namely, these are prophetic research of Daniel in February and April 2017, theological presentation of God of the living one in June 2017, salvation revelation and historical research through three kinds of the Passover in August 2017, research of salvation work in the end by the seven spirits in October 2017, research of salvation revelation through the tribulation in December 2017, and research on 10 miracles of Egypt and Exodus of the end in June 2018. A lot of pastors and church leaders attended these seminars that have been the opportunity to renew and awaken their faith. For example, OOO Doctor of Divinity(Professor at Donga seminary), confessed that the secret of the seven Spirits and the truth of barley bread among my lectures had shown deep and profound truth that opened up a field which theology hasn't dealt with yet, and that these were new theology, the same one as the Reformation by Martin Luther, that is today's spiritual reformation. Since then, he has followed me as his only spiritual mentor.
When it was difficult to do missionary work overseas due to the coronavirus pandemic, I was asked to write a special column on the Christian newspaper(published by Yeonjun Kim) in 2021 and have serialized 70 articles on a weekly basis up to now, which has led to widely spread the gospel through a traditional newspaper and an e-newspaper in about 150 countries. It is proved that my column has been ranked No. 1 or 2 all the time. For example, journalist Hyemin Yoon personally confessed that the columns by Pastor Chang were fresh and profound words like gemstones which were his considered the truth of truths only, and that he was encouraged and his soul was revived by these words of columns under exhausting and difficult conditions of Coronavirus.
I briefly testified what comes to my mind among countless works that God has done to me. I'd like to add one more thing that for the first time in Korea, I was awarded the Social Purification Committee chairman's award from the committee, a government organization in 1987, and the award from the committee of building a foundation for the unification in 1993.
Going forward, like a kernel of wheat, I'd like to dedicate myself to helping them have joint inheritance of heavenly spiritual blessing by witnessing the gifts and the wisdom and knowledge of words which God has given me to all Christians throughout all nations, Especially S.D.B.F. I believe and hope that I fulfill the final mission to prepare the way of the Lord of the second coming, and that I honor God through my last moment of martyrdom that He made me know as if the Lord had made Peter know his end.
This is to certify that the above is true and correct.
2022. 12. 09.
Written by Pastor Hankook Chang